The Lectori Salutem Desk

skilled craftsmanship

The Lectori Salutem Desk is imbued with a symbolic value as it conveys the intimacies of artists Jeroen Verhoeven’s own personal life. While ostensibly a desk, produced through a combination of highly-skilled craftsmanship and carefully-programmed technical processes, the personal mark of the maker is strongly evident within the work as two silhouette portraits of the artist’s design collaborators, Joep Verhoeven and Judith de Graauw, are subtly shaped into its undulating surfaces.

Thus, the piece combines design functionality with an artistic rhetoric that subliminally communicates the importance of Verhoeven’s immediate creative circle.

The stainless steel frame comprises over 150 panels, intricately fitted together. The process can be seen through the open ended side of the desk, leaving the complex scaffolding on full display, contrasted against the smooth polished exterior.